In Memory of Guillermo Calero, Spanish Metal Drummer (Wormed)

Guillermo Calero of Wormed

Earlier today, I saw news that one of my favorite drummers from one of my favorite bands had recently passed away.

Guillermo Calero was only 27 years old. His legacy as one of my favorite studio drummers in death metal lives on through his work on the amazing Wormed album, Krighsu. If you’re not terrified of death metal, you can listen to that incredible album below. It’s not for everyone, but Wormed is notoriously good-humored and light-hearted compared to almost any other technical death metal band out there. They don’t obsess on violence as much as sci-fi fantasy and what looks to me like tongue-in-cheek psuedoscience (fictional words and everything).

My thoughts are with Guillermo’s family and his bandmates.

For more information about Guillermo:

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