Recommended Music From and About Russia

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I’ve been studying Ukrainian, Russian, and German, with the intention of visiting Europe with family as soon as it’s safe and possible to do so. When you’re learning Russian, it’s hard to study anything else. There are so many things to remember, it’s overwhelming. But I’m learning, and really looking forward to a day where I’m understanding and speaking it fluently.

Anyway, here are a few golden discoveries from my recent time of less Russia-exploration. First up, a band that’s name translates to Here’s What’s With Me. The song title translates to “Tavira Wet Asphalt”, whatever that means!

Со мною вот что (Here’s What’s With Me) – Таврия мокрый асфальт (Tavria on Wet Asphalt)

Со мною вот что (Here’s What’s With Me) – Таврия мокрый асфальт (Tavria on Wet Asphalt)

Someone on Reddit cared enough to explain the lyrics:

Я верю, что Цой (I believe that Tsoi)
Разбился на Таврии, (Crashed in a Tavria)
Верю, что Виктор (I believe that Viktor)
Столкнулся с ЛиАЗом. (Collided with a LiAZ.)

А виноваты (And guilty)
В этой аварии (In this accident)
Пуго, Янаев… (Are Pugo, Yanaev…)
И Язов… (And Yazov…)

I discovered this Sigur Ros-style track thanks to these Sovietwave mixes on YouTube:

More to come. Stay tuned.